Thanks to those of you who joined us for the Expert Exchange this morning. Adam and I were typing furiously trying to keep up with all of your questions! In fact, we were typing so furiously that about a third of the way into the session, the “y” key on my laptop stopped working. No capital Y, no lower-case y, no y’s whatsoever! Panicky, I tried about four sentences with a y in the X cutbuffer (pasting when I needed a y), but I discovered that — like many of the letters that you wouldn’t pick first on Wheel of Fortune — y’s frequency is still sufficiently high to make living without it nearly impossible. (Three y’s in that last clause alone!) So I took out my car keys, pried off my “y” key, took off the hard plastic mechanism underneath it, and discovered that I could still get a y if I prodded the soft plastic underbelly of what used to be my “y” key. I picked up midsentence of the answer I was working on, and (fortunately) I made it through the rest of the chat without losing any other letters…
Anyway, hopefully you got a chance to ask that nagging question you had on DTrace. If you didn’t, don’t worry — just head over to the DTrace forum and post it over there. Having said that, it looks like someone just did; off to the forum…