It’s been an exciting few weeks for
The party got started with
Wez Furlong’s new
DTrace provider at OSCON. Then
Devon O’Dell
announced that he was starting to work in earnest on a
port to FreeBSD. And now,
Rich Lowe
has made available a prototype
DTrace provider.
To install this, grab
Ruby 1.8.2,
patch, and run ./configure with
the --enable-dtrace option.
When you run the resulting ruby, you’ll see two probes:
function-entry and
The arguments to these probes are as follows:
- arg0 is the name of the class (a pointer to a string within Ruby)
- arg1 is the name of the method (also a pointer to
a string within Ruby) - arg2 is the name of the file containing the call site (again,
a pointer to a string within Ruby) - arg3 is the line number of the call site.
So if, for example, you’d like to know the classes and methods that
are called in a particular Ruby script, you could do it with this
simple D script:
#pragma D option quiet ruby$target:::function-entry { @[copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg1)] = count(); } END { printf("%15s %30s %s\n", "CLASS", "METHOD", "COUNT"); printa("%15s %30s %@d\n", @); }
To run this against the cal.rb that ships in the sample
directory of Ruby, call the above script whatmethods.d and
run it this way:
# dtrace -s ./whatmethods.d -c "../ruby ./cal.rb" August 2005 S M Tu W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CLASS METHOD COUNT Array <= 2 Hash each 2 Hash keys 2 Module attr 2 Module method_undefined 2 Module public 2 Rational coerce 2 Array + 3 Class civil_to_jd 3 Hash [] 3 Object collect 3 Array collect 4 Class inherited 4 Range each 4 String size 4 Module private_class_method 5 Object eval 5 Object require 5 String gsub 5 Class jd_to_wday 7 Class once 7 Date __8713__ 7 Date wday 7 Fixnum % 8 Array join 10 Hash []= 10 String + 10 Array each 11 NilClass to_s 11 Module alias_method 22 Module private 22 Symbol to_s 26 Module module_eval 28 Date mday 31 Object send 31 Date mon 42 Date __11105__ 43 Class jd_to_civil 45 Date succ 47 Class os? 48 Date + 49 Fixnum <= 49 String rjust 49 Class ajd_to_jd 50 Class clfloor 50 Date __10417__ 50 Integer to_i 50 Object Integer 50 Rational divmod 50 Rational to_i 50 Date 51 Date ajd 51 Date jd 51 Rational 51 Class new0 52 Date initialize 52 Integer to_r 52 Object singleton_method_added 67 Date civil 75 Symbol to_i 91 Float * 96 Float coerce 96 Fixnum / 97 Object frozen? 100 Rational - 104 Fixnum to_s 123 Array [] 141 Object class 150 Module method_added 154 Float / 186 Module === 200 Rational / 204 Rational + 248 Float floor 282 Fixnum << 306 Class reduce 356 Integer gcd 356 Object Rational 356 Fixnum + 414 Class new! 610 Rational initialize 610 Class new 612 Fixnum abs 712 Fixnum div 762 Fixnum * 1046 Fixnum 1970 Fixnum - 2398 Object kind_of? 2439 Fixnum >> 4698 Fixnum [] 7689 Fixnum == 11436
This may leave us with many questions. For example, there are a couple
of calls to construct new objects — where are they coming from? To
answer that question:
#pragma D option quiet ruby$target:::function-entry /copyinstr(arg1) == "initialize"/ { @[copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg2), arg3] = count(); } END { printf("%-10s %-40s %-10s %s\n", "CLASS", "INITIALIZED IN FILE", "AT LINE", "COUNT"); printa("%-10s %-40s %-10d %@d\n", @); }
Calling the above whereinit.d, we can run it in a similar
# dtrace -s ./whereinit.d -c "../ruby ./cal.rb" August 2005 S M Tu W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CLASS INITIALIZED IN FILE AT LINE COUNT Cal ./cal.rb 144 1 Date /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb 593 1 Date /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb 703 1 Date /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb 916 1 Time /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb 702 1 Date /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb 901 49 Rational /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/rational.rb 374 610
Looking at the Date class, it’s interesting to look at line 901 of
file /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb:
897 # If +n+ is not a Numeric, a TypeError will be thrown. In 898 # particular, two Dates cannot be added to each other. 899 def + (n) 900 case n 901 when Numeric; return self.class.new0(@ajd + n, @of, @sg) 902 end 903 raise TypeError, 'expected numeric' 904 end
This makes sense: we’re initializing new Date
instances in the +
method for Date. And where are those coming from?
It’s not hard to build a script that will tell us the file and line
for the call site of an arbitrary class and method:
#pragma D option quiet ruby$target:::function-entry /copyinstr(arg0) == $$1 && copyinstr(arg1) == $$2/ { @[copyinstr(arg2), arg3] = count(); } END { printf("%-40s %-10s %s\n", "FILE", "LINE", "COUNT"); printa("%-40s %-10d %@d\n", @); }
For this particular example (Date#+()), call the above
wherecall.d and run it this way:
# dtrace -s ./wherecall.d "Date" "+" -c "../ruby ./cal.rb" August 2005 S M Tu W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FILE LINE COUNT ./cal.rb 102 2 ./cal.rb 60 6 ./cal.rb 63 41
And looking at the indicated lines in cal.rb:
55 def pict(y, m) 56 d = (1..31).detect{|d| Date.valid_date?(y, m, d, @start)} 57 fi =, m, d, @start) 58 fi -= (fi.jd - @k + 1) % 7 59 60 ve = ( + 6).collect{|cu| 61 %w(S M Tu W Th F S)[cu.wday] 62 } 63 ve += ( + 41).collect{|cu| 64 if cu.mon == m then cu.send(@da) end.to_s 65 } 66
So this is doing exactly what we would expect, given the code.
Now, if we were interested in making this perform a little better,
we might be interested to know the work that is being induced
by Date#+(). Here’s a script that reports the classes and
methods called by a given class/method — and its callees:
#pragma D option quiet ruby$target:::function-entry /copyinstr(arg0) == $$1 && copyinstr(arg1) == $$2/ { self->date = 1; } ruby$target:::function-entry /self->date/ { @[strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "#"), copyinstr(arg1))] = count(); } ruby$target:::function-return /copyinstr(arg0) == $$1 && copyinstr(arg1) == $$2/ { self->date = 0; ndates++; } END { normalize(@, ndates); printf("Each call to %s#%s() induced:\n\n", $$1, $$2); printa("%@8d call(s) to %s()\n", @); }
Calling the above whatcalls.d, we can answer the question
about Date#+() this way:
# dtrace -s ./whatcalls.d "Date" "+" -c "../ruby ./cal.rb" August 2005 S M Tu W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Each call to Date#+() induced: 1 call(s) to Class#new0() 1 call(s) to Class#reduce() 1 call(s) to Date#+() 1 call(s) to Date#initialize() 1 call(s) to Fixnum#+() 1 call(s) to Fixnum#<<() 1 call(s) to Integer#gcd() 1 call(s) to Module#===() 1 call(s) to Object#Rational() 1 call(s) to Object#class() 2 call(s) to Class#new() 2 call(s) to Class#new!() 2 call(s) to Fixnum#abs() 2 call(s) to Fixnum#div() 2 call(s) to Rational#+() 2 call(s) to Rational#initialize() 3 call(s) to Fixnum#*() 3 call(s) to Fixnum#() 23 call(s) to Fixnum#>>() 37 call(s) to Fixnum#[]() 52 call(s) to Fixnum#==()
That’s a lot of work for something that should be pretty simple! Indeed,
it’s counterintuitive that, say, Integer#gcd() would be called
from Date#+() — and it certainly seems suboptimal. I’ll leave
further exploration into this as an exercise to the reader, but suffice
it to say that this has to do with the use of a rational number in the
Date class —
the elimination of which would elminate most of the above calls and
presumably greatly improve the performance of Date#+().
Now, Ruby aficionados may note that some of the above functionality
has been available in Ruby by setting the
set_trace_func function (upon which the
Ruby profiler
is implemented). While that’s true (to a point — the set_trace_func
seems to be a pretty limited mechanism),
the Ruby DTrace provider is nonetheless a great lurch forward for
Ruby developers: it allows developers to use DTrace-specific constructs
like aggregations and thread-local variables to hone in on a problem;
it allows Ruby-related work performed lower in the stack (e.g.,
in the I/O subsystem, CPU dispatcher or network stack)
to be connected to the Ruby
code inducing it; it allows a running Ruby script to be
instrumented (and reinstrumented) without stopping or restarting it; and
it allows multiple, disjoint Ruby scripts to be coherently observed and
understood as a single entity. More succinctly, it’s just damned cool.
So thanks to Rich for developing the prototype provider — and if you’re
a Ruby developer, enjoy!
34 Responses
My genitals are huge. You should see them!
Unfortunately, the elephantiasis DTrace provider is still some ways off; I recommend that you seek medical attention in the interim.
Very interesting post, I’m going to have to read through it in more depth later.
I’ve studied the C Ruby source enough to know that there’s many, many opportunities for improvement. We’re fixing these things in JRuby, so it will be very useful to have dtrace runs to show exactly what’s inefficient in C Ruby.
We’re also interested in performance for JRuby too. General-purpose profiling has been yielding good results so far, but we know there’s more to do.
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