I know that I’ve been quiet for a while, and I promise that I (or rather, we) are close to talking about what we’ve been up to for the past year, but I wanted to first pop my head up to to highlight out some exciting news: Ian Murdock has joined Sun.
I have always been impressed with Ian’s decidedly pragmatic views of technology; he has been a supporter of OpenSolaris, and in particular he took a decisive and courageous stand against some absurd Debian-borne anti-Nexenta licensing FUD. Looking back, it’s hard to imagine that our was not even two years ago, and that it was just eighteen months ago that we first saw a prototype of what that Utopia might look like. Ian’s arrival at Sun is a huge lurch forward towards the wide-spread productization of this ideal: it’s great news for OpenSolaris and it’s great news for long-time fans of Debian — it looks like we’re going to be able to apt-get our cake, and DTrace it too!